The magic of a memorable commercial often lies in the perfect blend of storytelling, visuals and atmosphere. While the narrative and creative direction are crucial, the location where the commercial is shot can make or break the final product. The selection of an ideal commercial house is a nuanced process, driven by various specificities that cater to the unique needs of commercial productions. Let's delve into what makes an ideal commercial house and the intricacies of commercial production.

The Essence of an Ideal Commercial House

1. Versatility and Aesthetic Appeal: An ideal commercial house offers a versatile backdrop that can accommodate various themes and styles. Whether the commercial calls for a modern, minimalist design or a rustic, cozy feel, the location should be adaptable. Aesthetic appeal is paramount; clean lines, well-maintained exteriors, and visually interesting interiors provide a canvas for creativity. Although like films, commercials can rely on a variety of narratives and therefore need a variety of backdrops, you can typically expect certain types of products and services requiring more modern, spacious and high end homes. This is why houses with incredible interior design, such as Silverstein Location’s shoot house, Live Another Day, in Taplow, Buckinghamshire is a fantastic option for many wellness, beauty, health and fitness brands looking to launch their next advertising campaign close to London.

2. Accessibility and Convenience: Location logistics can significantly impact the efficiency of a shoot. An ideal commercial house should be easily accessible for the cast, crew and equipment. Proximity to major roads, availability of parking and ease of transport can streamline production schedules and reduce logistical headaches.

3. Natural Lighting and Ambiance: Good natural lighting can enhance the visual quality of a commercial, creating a more authentic and engaging look. A commercial house with ample windows, skylights or outdoor areas can provide beautiful, natural illumination. The ambiance of the location, including its acoustic properties and background noise levels, also plays a crucial role in ensuring high-quality audio and a pleasant working environment. London can often provide a convenience, but the beauty of shooting in the nearby home counties, such as Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Surrey, is that space, light and silence can often be in abundance. This is especially true of Nomansland in Hertfordshire, which has enjoyed many commercials for these very reasons.

4. Space and Layout: The layout and space available in a commercial house can affect everything from camera angles to movement within scenes. Open floor plans and spacious rooms allow for flexibility in staging and shooting. Additionally, having multiple rooms or distinct areas can provide varied settings within the same location, adding depth to the commercial. It is increasingly the trend to see large modern open plan homes used for commercial and branded content which again makes shooting in the home counties worth while, as new builds have the space and freedom to be designed this way, whereas the typically more traditional London terrace homes may not always have such features.

Specificities of Commercial Productions

1. Speed: Commercials and branded content are usually shot over one day lasting a maximum of twelve hours.

2. Impact: Commercials are typically lower impact than film or television series with crew sizes sometimes being as small as a director, camera person, audio, lighting and production coordinator.

3. Cost: Commercials make for great churn bookings, they usually net a minimum of £1 200/10 hour day to a location owner with prices increasing depending on shoot demands and brand prestige.

Silverstein Locations specialises in a range of wonderful modern, open plan homes with natural light and clean edges, perfect for commercial and branded content shoots. We have a range of homes dedicated to these types of shoots in London, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Surrey and beyond. Please reach out should you wish to discuss your next film location project for commercials and branded content, or if you think your home could be a good fit for these types of shoots then feel free to submit your lovely home here.


